Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Surgery Update!

We had to be at The Outaptient Surgery Center yesterday morning at 7:00am but they did not take Eli back until about 8:00am. This made for a long wait, especially for him since he could not have anything to eat or drink that morning. He did well in those circumstances though. Finally Dr. Rust and Dr. Harwell (LOVE BOTH OF THEM) came and talked to us and the nurse took him back. Eli never blinked an eye. He went right with the nurse. Glenn and I told him that he was going to see another room in the Dr's office. After about 7 minutes or so, Dr. Rust came and got us and said that everythink went great and that he was still asleep in recovery. He even gave me his old tubes in a cloth napkin. HOW GROSS. I actually threw them away once we were home. Once we walked into the recovery room, out little boy was laying there sound asleep with those beautiful little lips puckered out. He looked so precious. Then the nurse had to put drops in his ears and tried waking him up. He was a little disoriented from the anesthesia and cried just a bit but once I gave him his "pappy" and he saw and heard Glenn and me he was fine. He drank some apple juice and even started talking and pointing at the "elphants" and "pooh" on the wall. He did so well. He only had to stay in recovery for about 30 minutes. Once home, he ate, drank and played. He never missed a beat. Just wanted to let you all know how he did and thank you for all of the thoughts, prayers, phone calls and emails and of course the peach pie from Holly. We are so glad that it is over and hopefully his ears will not bother him anymore. I will blog later about Will's t-ball pictures and practice tonight. I have some pics that I need to post but who knows if I will ever get them on here.